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Rae of sunshine

15 juin 2011

He is a mean killing machine

He is a mean killing machine
He may be getting on a bit and drives us nuts - you know this when your kids start saying "Moofa you are driving me nuts - in, out, in out…' but he does earn his keep as well as being an extremely handsome ginger cat!!! He is pretty good at hunting as...
13 juin 2011

Our little helper

Our little helper
Bank holiday here today - I only realised this last night and good job too otherwise we would have all gone to take Ruby to school only to find that no one was there. We started the day by going on a nature walk with a big bag to find things to stick...
12 juin 2011

Tired bunnies

Tired bunnies
Sunday at home with tired kids - sometimes I feel that I do not have enough patience and need to be more patient with them, especially when they are tired - if there is one thing that you need in abundance when you become a parent - it is patience! I...
11 juin 2011

Down by the river side

Down by the river side
Edible glitter, kid’s champagne, beer and wine for the adults and chocolate cake - what a way to spend the afternoon. A birthday party down by the river side - it would go one of two ways - wet kids or not that was the question. Summer birthdays are great...
10 juin 2011

Pizza night

Pizza night
This morning a letter arrived in the post - at first I thought it might be an early birthday card for Rivan - I opened it carefully with a sharp knife just in case it was for Rivan and then I could stick it back up again. But it was a card for me from...
10 juin 2011

Seeds for health

Seeds for health
Finding seeds for cooking in France is pretty difficult if you want to buy them in a large quantity. I remember when I had just given birth to Rivan we were looking for fennel seeds to help with colic and ended up getting them over the internet delivered...
9 juin 2011

Sports day with many, many kids!

Sports day with many, many kids!
Busy, busy, busy this morning - school trip today and Rivan and I are tagging along to take pictures for the school. It has worked well as I love the opportunity to take pictures and the school loves having pictures of the trip so now each time there...
8 juin 2011

My wife is feeding me weeds!

My wife is feeding me weeds!
Do you recognise this plant? Is this growing in your garden? Until this year I thought that it was a useless weed and got frustrated that it grew everywhere. However it is amazing what a little knowledge can do for you…. Nutritionally, this 'purslane'...
8 juin 2011

Plea for pants.....

Plea for pants.....
So the young man is now pretty much on his way out of nappies and in need of pants - he is currently sharing his sister’s frillies but needs some of his own. I went searching for some and the smallest I found was age 2 - 3 and when you put these on Rivan...
7 juin 2011

Grey day

Grey day
Do you ever wake feeling sad before you even have lifted your foot out of bed to start your day? Well today was a tough day for me, I have been finding Ruby slightly challenging recently (the usual stuff a 3 & 1/2 year old throws at you - not listening,...
5 juin 2011

Tea (juice) for 4 please

Tea (juice) for 4 please
Brocanting season in full swing we head off with our list this morning; Tea cups and saucers for Ruby (since her visit with Soren and his tea party she wants to have one here Tractors for Rivan - these are missing from our toy collection Tea pot Jug for...
4 juin 2011

Party afternoon

Party afternoon
A home call from the hairdresser started the morning today - Ruby now very accustomed to having her hair cut sat still and it was over in a flash - good job it does not cost much. She then wanted to help with my hair - we managed to appease her with helping...
3 juin 2011

Chapitre Nature

Chapitre Nature
Hot and sticky today, no school or crèche for the kids as yesterday was a bank holiday and many establishments have taken an extra day off (today) to make it into a long weekend. Out in the garden Rivan chose his clothes - he thought that the pink boots...
2 juin 2011

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside
Clearly this young man is enjoying being without nappies or is it he is enjoying wearing ladies pants? Day two has gone great, he has enjoyed spending time on the potty and takes a book to read if he fancies and had just one accident this morning when...
1 juin 2011

Is it the end to nappies?

Is it the end to nappies?
So Rivan will be 2 in a couple of weeks and he is a bright little fella, he understanding of language - both French and English is great, his speech is slowly starting to develop and the special language that only mum understands at the moment is expanding...
31 mai 2011

Comfrey and nettle soup anyone?

Comfrey and nettle soup anyone?
About 4 weeks ago I took the plunge and harvested lots of nettles from the surrounding hedgerows (before it all got too dry) along with some of the comfrey in the garden. Chopped it all up and added water - stirred everyday as it got smellier and smellier...
31 mai 2011

Mr Benn

Mr Benn
Thanks to modern technology (i.e. You tube) I introduced the kids to another favourite of mine when I was a little girl - Mr Benn. I have not seen this for many, many years but as we watched an episode today I remembered watching this as a child. I loved...
29 mai 2011

Happy French mothers day

Happy French mothers day
Today is Mothers Day in France – when I collected Ruby from school on Thursday I asked what she had been doing and she said 'shhhh it’s a surprise for mothers day" and she was really excited. The present the school had helped the kids make was a lovely...
28 mai 2011

The value of kids second hand clothes....

The value of kids second hand clothes....
With our family complete and no desire to have any more children, I am now left with a stack of baby items (car seat, chairs, clothes, nappies etc) and am finding it hard to know what to do with them. If I knew someone who was expecting I would willingly...
24 mai 2011

Happy chucks

Happy chucks
Watching Hugh FW the other night he was talking about chicken stimulation and how it makes for happy chucks and it led me to thinking that although our chickens get moved every couple of weeks to a new area to graze and have lots to watch in the garden...
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Rae of sunshine
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